And we thought this would be easy...

Back in 2007, when we got married, we thought we had it down. We'd bought a house, kept our jobs long enough to call them careers, and were managing to raise a kid without people staring at him in WalMart....

Then, life happened. And we discovered God has a sense of humor. While it took us bit to laugh along, we find things are easier nowadays if we just go with it. Things are about to get funnier, thanks to our brilliant idea of pooling our genes and gifting the world a mini version of our well honed insanity. We're going to chronicle this so there's proof if ever we need it. Want to come along?

Monday, July 19, 2010

A change in habits...

Jordan used to love being carried in her Moby Wrap. I cooked dinner while wearing her, nursed her while pacing the house, kept her warm and cozy at Cub Scout pack meetings. It was great, keeping her happy and making my life easier. Then the heat wave came (and yes, I am aware that our version of a PNW heat wave is drastically different from those experienced by the south or east coast, but still- it was HOT!). I worried about all the stories of babies overheating in their slings and wraps, and gave her a break from the Moby for a couple weeks. Now she has no interest whatsoever in being worn. She wants her hands and legs free to wriggle, and to be constantly changing position and perspective. Great. I will give it another week and keep trying, but if she keeps refusing I may be forced to wear Tyler in it just to justify having the wrap :)

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